Tuesday, 16 April 2013

MGA Spring Champs - Team Dorset

If your cool then you will watch this video:
It will mean alot to me!
                                          Elizabeth X


Monday, 15 April 2013

MGA Spring Champs - Dorset MGA - Elizabeth & Meg

 Was such a good weekend, i miss it already!
Meg was perfect and as good as gold!
Roll on next MGA :)

Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySnKLU7IDk

Thursday, 11 April 2013

A Mounted Games Super Star!

 Meet Jess an amazing mounted games rider, who knows her stuff! I look up to this girl...even though we are the same height, haha! This is her and her new mounted games horse, Winton Gipsy Rose. They are such a good pair together! Even when times got hard, it didn't stop them!
Now im lucky enough to be in her team and to do pairs with her.
So watch this space because....

Me & Jess are coming through!

Video of Jess at MGA GLN:


Im Back! Mounted Games Hi-light!

Im baaaaack! I had an amazing time in Paris....even saw someone with an MGA France Hoody on!
Small world eh?
Im back now and got pony club training tonight, how exciting! Also I have even entered 3 MGA competitions....so there's no going back! arghhh! haha!
I have also got at least 4 people wanting to meet me at Mounted Games Competitions...I feel FAMOUS! 
There should be a video up tonight of how my training went...after i havent ridden the nutters in 4 days!

Elizabeth X X

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Dorset MGA Team!

Woahhhh, its official now! How exciting knowing that you belong to a team! Haha!
This is such a good opportunity that i have been given, and im not going to waste it!
And by that, my MGA comp of the season starts at Spring Champs!:)
How exciting! 
Lets hope i have control, and keeeeeeep mounted gaming!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Facebook Me!

To all your Face-bookers out there, keep up to date with mounted games!
Follow what im doing, ask me questions!
Take your pick!

MGA Competition

Guess where i am off to tomorrow! Im off to MGA! Early night i think, as i will be up at 6 ready to go! Im going to support my team and cheer them on! I have been looking forward to this for months! 
Im going to watch the 'pros' so i will report back to you al the secrets of how to be amazing! haha!
Elizabeth X

Mounted Games - Team Training - Meg

The Video to follow up the mounted games training post!
This video has got the, Balll&Cone, 2Mug, Sock Race, Farmers Market in it. But we did do alot more!
                  Elizabeth x                                    


Thursday, 4 April 2013


Another successful Mounted Games Training! Two hours didn't seem like enough, i could of carried on going until it was dark!
This is one of my least favourite races, haha, as it involves getting off the horse - effort! lol!
The best bit is galloping past the bucket and bending down from the horse, putting a sock into a bucket!
Remember in this race to, reach down as far as you can, look,aim and fire, and when going to vault do it as soon as you get up from picking up the next sock...dont leave the vault until you are half way down the arena!

This is how NOT to do the Coit&Cone Race, when representing your pony club at Area 7!After two bucks and my stirrup snapping i managed to stay on! Here's a LITTLE tip; If your being bucked, sit back, push on with your legs, look up, and keep riding on. DONT do what i did and just surf the back of my horse! HaHa!
Elizabeth X

1# A Guide To Mounted Games

This is a video of me doing mounted games on one of my new pony' This Horse is called nutmeg and is 19 years old, she has been doing mounted games for 6 years now, and is very hard to stop! 
All these videos have been taken this year and are current. 
 This Video shows you all the basic tips for mounted games, and even just riding normally. 
I hope this gives you some help, and i will be posting more tips and advice in the future.
Elizabeth X